Friday, April 22, 2011

Shapes, animals and colors. Entertaining.

Shapes, animals and colors. Entertaining.

Shapes, animals and colors. Entertaining.

Click to order consists of parents and teachers who want to make fun and educational videos available to parents and at an affordable price.

Without the production budget, and the work of personal computers and laptops have we picked up our toys and the computer mouse, and went to work.

We hope you and your children enjoy these small clips of the full title the first 27 minutes of 5 on the farm. For just 75 cents (Award, and we hope in all ways, "During these tough economic times) you can download the entire video and allow children to join in the fun with toys animal our of 5 livestock and animation color because it knows 5 colors simple and how to count to 5.

Our children really love the video and even found that it takes shape slowly over a long period of time, they still get a thrill every time they see it, and he laughs happily on the screen for Dummies funny colors and bright images and music appropriate to the age.

Please enjoy 5 per farm. After a little rest from this first project, we hope you make more videos of your kids will enjoy and you can trust.

Thank you for watching,
TinyGrads family.

Shapes, animals and colors. Entertaining.

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